About Xodo Sign
Go paperless — Xodo Sign is all about boosting your business workflow and efficiency, and getting day-to-day tasks like scanning, printing and manually signing out of the way.

Send, Sign & Save Money
The idea behind Xodo Sign is helping both small and large businesses make the digital leap while guiding them every step of the way. We truly understand that a great deal of companies hesitate when it comes to managing and processing sensitive data such as contracts and business agreements in the cloud — this is why we dedicated ourselves to building a highly secure and well monitored e-Signature platform that is ahead of its time in terms of functionality, while remaining affordable for both individuals and SMBs, and bringing flexible workflows and an increase in time efficiency for large companies at the same time.
Using Xodo Sign does not only mean digitalizing your signatures and documents — it's also a significant step towards preserving our environment and will save you countless man-hours and money you can spend otherwise.
Xodo Sign is a product built and maintained by eversign GmbH, the company behind some of the most popular developer tools, SaaS products and APIs currently on the market — including the currencylayer API, invoicely and many more. We are a Vienna-based technology company currently looking at over 4 million daily active users across our platforms.
eversign GmbH
Elisabethstrasse 15/5A+5B
1010 Vienna, Austria
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